Scribbit's Mini Game
Release Date
Requires MegaZeux 2.02 to 2.51 or newer.
Scribbit's Mini Game
No summary available.
Maxim  said:
Last modified 2011-09-17 18:05:24
Scribbit's Mini Game not very long, but definitely stands out from other "casual" Megazeux games.

It's clearly inspired by Darkness, like the similar game, Goldenhog's Fucking Trip. This one's not as long on playing time as GHFT, unfortunately. However, there is a damn lot of interactive objects in its 14 playable boards. Some of 'em are pretty damned funny, like the hanging guy on the apartment board.

Graphics are kind of a mix of ZZT style, and one inspired by Inmate 2993's games. It's pretty simple but I like it. Music is a lot of module music that's commonly used in Megazeux games, but nothing inappropriate for the game.

Not bad, but way too short to rank higher than two stars. It lasts about 10 minutes even if you're looking for as many of the interactive objects as you can find. If this were as long as Darkness it might have been a 3 or 4 star game... after all, my main complaint is it's too short and over too soon.
vivois  said:
Last modified 2012-09-01 05:59:34
So sweet that it makes you wanna go out and buy a couple reeseuse peanut butter cups afterwards for whatever reason, this game stands the test of time and sets a legacy no other being has followed, cept those from his clan... Take a thermometer but be careful to get too close because this release is HOT! silky smooth gameplay and magnetic transitions migrate in this little release.
ThDPro  said:
Last modified 2012-09-01 21:12:25
I've played some of Scribbit's games before was reasonably entertained by them. It's hard to make a cliche mzx game that features everything exploding actually entertaining, like say, snarfoogle. However, this game, and obviously lazy attempt at the same kind of idea, doesn't deliver. the problem is not that it's cliche or boring (both of which it is). The problem is that it's devoid of entertainment value. Entirely. The jokes don't land, and if the jokes don't land, a game like this has nothin to stand on. Certainly not music, and omygoodness not graphics.

So, what is this game? A one star failure. I'll give it two with the thought in mind that SOMEONE might find the jokes funny and non-hackneyed.