Delphi X3
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Requires MegaZeux 2.82 or newer.
Delphi X3
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Lachesis  said:
Last modified 2014-01-31 20:46:47
Just a few bases to cover before I start:

1) Just play this game instead. It's basically the same game.

2) This game is impossible to play unless you're in the editor. You forgot to set the starting board, Giel. Or maybe just forgot what the starting board was. Just to remind you, it's Deep Dungeon 1.

3) You'll need F8 and F11 at various points in the game to escape from walls, get past Roton, and to lower the Emperor's health. Maybe forgetting the starting board was a good thing after all.

Some other cool things about Delphi X3:

1. The Deep Dungeon graphics
2. In Deep Dungeon 2, if you kill the yellow enemy that drops the white keyboard while he's next to a wall, there's a high probability that he won't drop a keycard and you'll get stuck.
3. The areas where there is forced rightward movement. You'd be better off just having the level autoscroll, but at a slow enough pace that the player can easily keep up with the level.
4. Why were the people that were chasing me moving at a slow pace on one screen but faster on another screen?
5. In Log Storage2, it's impossible to get to the left edge of the board by using the green jumping platforms. You have to land on the spikes, which causes a glitch that makes the player fall upward and jump from the ceiling, and then shoot upward while jumping downward to get low enough that you can touch the board edge and go on to the next room. I shit you not, this is a real thing.
6. The Gem sound effect
7. In Dax5, the disappearing platforms change way too fast, and it's impossible to get to the far left platform. You have to jump on top of the building and walk across the roof.
8. You start the board Speeder2 in the middle of a wall!!! Maybe you should try playing your games before you release them. Here's a hint: if you don't want you play your games, probably nobody else will want to either!
9. There are guys in the bar who talk but I can't read their text very easily because it's dark blue on black.
10. After several minutes of shooting Roton, his HP was at -200 and he still wasn't dead.
11. The Emperor has 1000 hitpoints and it's hard to damage it

I think you need to practice making original things more. CR2-0 was an awful game, but at least you didn't steal it from Gemini or Bramble. Why don't you play other peoples' games and study what makes them good before making another game, Giel? Or at least play through your own games? Play CR2-0. Play the Delphi X games. Did you have fun playing them? Why weren't they fun? This is how we learn how to make games that are fun. Stealing games won't help you make games that are fun. I guess after this past DoZ submission, though, you just really don't care, so I don't know why I'm bothering to (re)write this. Do whatever
Giel  said:
Last modified 2012-01-08 15:35:40

Like one of the reviews here says, this game has better quality, but only because I (once again) edited another MZXer's title. This one being Bramble's incomplete 'The Messenger'.

AVOID THIS GAME AS WELL! Its just another ripoff in the sea of crap.
Bramble  said:
Last modified 2012-05-28 03:02:10
Wow, I think I'm flattered. But really, I think it's sort of awesome that someone copied stuff from an old game of mine and revamped it. What a walk down memory lane, everyone. This game is amazing, all things considered. Pahaha...