Demos, incomplete games, and packs of demos/incomplete games. Many games in this section were never completed. The content here is NOT free-to-copy for your own games unless it explicitly states otherwise.


Name Author Released Rating DLs 
King Rat 3yenrab1996-03-23 11
egg SmasherLogiCow 2024-03-31No reviews.29
SpellWeavreSpellWeavre 1997-01-19No reviews.34
Reign of ZartokCirclesoft No reviews.35
Dragon's Eye DemoZZTurbo No reviews.36
MZX World (demo)T-Bone 2013-12-12No reviews.38
Deepness Democheezit200 1997-12-18No reviews.43
Visual Death (ver. 0.000010)Brian Palmer No reviews.43
Yoshi's Adventure Part 2Dustin Hubbard No reviews.49
Link's Chaotic Adventure (ver. Preview)E. CyberBRO1996-02-03No reviews.50
sleepdrm failure files (ver. 0.2)KKairos 2017-01-31 52
Thirtysomething Mutant Ninja Turtlesyenrab1998-05-10No reviews.52
Arrow (Project Dump)ThDPro 2020-01-25No reviews.53
Rampage!yenrab1998-08-14No reviews.55
Pheta 2yenrab1997-12-30No reviews.55
Swords Demozjm 2008-06-02 56
Devil's Mind dumpGalladin 2016-04-06No reviews.56
Yternis Magissa Novella (ver. 0.1 (demo))Lachesis 2021-03-14No reviews.56
Death Beyond Imagination Demo, A - Votile EditionGiel 2009-09-20 57
MutagenesisPhantom Laser  58
Old MZX JunkEvil Genius 2016-03-27 58
MZXPeoplehayashi   59
Shloober Stockpile 2: BrainFartShloobeR 2008-01-01 59
Stolen Zambooboo Demo, The (ver. 1.2)Brandon Faegre1996-11-27 61
Castle I (Demo)steel_dragoon 2007-03-07 61
Stafen War, The (Unfinished)Chaos88 2015-08-14No reviews.61
Autumn (Project Dump) (ver. 1.2)GetDizzy 2020-01-05No reviews.61
Old School MZX Demoshades 2003-02-13 62
Joe Beans 1: Flight (GM's unreleased indev 001)iamgreaser 2010-06-17No reviews.62
Dreams! DemoNathan Wood No reviews.63
Dreamzone Chronicles Ch. I, The????  64
Sid's Quest (Incomplete)MattSplatW 2006-10-29No reviews.64
TwistedTox   65
StemiltBramble 2005-12-13 65
Stealth Boy DemoFighter_Phil 2005-03-15 66
Dragon Slayer DemoGame master pro 2005-03-23 66
Shloober Stockpile 1: ClockTowerShloobeR 2008-01-01No reviews.66
Anarchist Creations (Project Dump)Anerki / Kuddy2017-01-13No reviews.66
Dungeons of Kalborn DemoGalladin 2002-02-24No reviews.67
Phil_1 DemoFighter_Phil 2005-08-13 67
Dynasty 2 DemoThundercloud 2001-02-10No reviews.67
Open Source Demogofer-chan 2002-04-15 67
Joe Shmoe: Savior of Shoes (Demo)Nahah 2006-01-14 67
Frostbite Part II DemoScott Vyper 2002-07-04 68
Fluke Demogokachu 2002-04-18 68
PostalityRakiSoft  68
Smiley Wars TestGetDizzy 2004-06-10 68
Weasel's Unfinished Packweasel 2007-11-27No reviews.68
Shadowsong 2 DemoTixus/Esdemo1/Wervyn  68
Catgame DemoKMSpill  69